Conveyor solutions
Conveyors are a crucial factor in stationary aggregate plants and can impact operational efficiency and profitability. Just like the circulatory systems in our bodies and the currents in the ocean, they move resources from one point to another and breakdowns or issues can impact downstream processes
Downtime costs money!
Conveyors typically operate in demanding conditions: potentially dirty and dusty environments with intense temperatures and moisture. If poorly maintained, a conveyor may experience rapid belt wear and component failure, resulting in unplanned downtime and a bottleneck for the operation.
If conveyor transportation fails, the whole system fails – making your business vulnerable to the heavy cost and inconvenience of lost production. Optimized conveyors reduce the risk of failure and cut unplanned downtime, resulting in increased production capacity, better efficiency, as well as improved safety and sustainability. Explore the typical challenges that conveyors face and some possible solutions to keep your conveyors rolling!
Conveyor Safety
Many conveyor systems in use may have been installed 20-30 years ago when safety standards were not as high a priority as in today’s modern operations. At the point where the belt meets the roller or tail pulley, there is always a risk of operators or anyone else in the area accidentally getting their fingers or clothes trapped, and potentially suffering serious injuries. Although unlikely, it is also possible that a rock or stone can fall and become trapped between the belt and pulley, causing serious damage to both. Reverse runaway belts, though rare can also be very dangerous when they occur.
Metso offers a range of Hi-safe guards that can help prevent pinching. Holdback systems prevent reverse runaways of loaded conveyors, providing an additional level of security.
Explore the safety solutions in our Conveyor solutions handbook
Mistracking refers to problems such as belt misalignment, for example when the belt starts to ride off or when it slides and cuts into the conveyor frame.
Mistracking can destroy the belt and the conveyor structure or its components. It can also cause or lead to excessive spillage. There are many reasons why mistracking can occur, including exceeded belt tolerances, off-center loading, material build-up on the rollers and pulleys, maladjustment, the structure of the conveyor system itself, and even side-winds, rain, snow or ice.
To address this problem, Metso offers belt guiding systems that sense and correct mistracking before it does any damage. With such a system in place, maintenance costs can be minimized and production and sustainability ambitions can be maximized.
Explore solutions in our Conveyor solutions handbook
Conveyor carryback occurs when small quantities of material stick to belt surfaces or get caught in voids and are transported back to their source. Some materials are more prone to carryback than others. While the amount of carryback may seem negligible in the beginning, over time it adds up to tons of material that must be removed from the conveyor system, which adds costs.
In response to the issue of carryback and the problems it might cause to the belt conveyor, Metso offers a range of belt cleaning systems, with cleaners and scrapers that remove potential carryback from the material-facing surface of the belt as it comes round the head pulley.
Explore cleaning and scraping solutions in our Conveyor solutions handbook
Spillage and impact
Spillage refers to waste material and dust that falls out or off of the conveyor belt. It usually occurs during the loading and unloading of the conveyor belt, but it can also occur during material transport.
During loading there are two issues that can cause spillage. One risk during loading is that the impact of falling materials exceeds what the conveyor can absorb, causing damage to the conveyor belt and components.
The second risk for spillage during loading occurs when the loading zone is not tightly sealed, causing debris to fall out of the belt, get into the conveyor components and cause damage. During transport, spillage is often caused by mistracking or leakage.
Metso's belt guiding, sealing, and loading impact cradle systems can help address these issues to ensure you don’t lose production do to unplanned stoppages to address the spillage.
Explore solutions in our Conveyor solutions handbook
Slippage occurs when a belt does not move at the same rate as the pulleys that drive it. It can be caused due to inadequate friction between the belt and the pulley, differences in humidity and temperature, as well as belt and pulley wear and insufficient belt tension. Slippage can be extremely serious, as it is often accompanied by skidding of the belt against the pulleys. Skidding generates friction and heat; which in the worst-case scenario can start a fire.
Metso’s pulley lagging systems combine composite materials (aluminum oxide ceramics) with normal rubber or feature unique surface patterns to improve the grip of the pulleys. Both systems solve the problem of inadequate friction.
Explore solutions in our Conveyor Solutions handbook
Dust is related to spillage and the problems caused by it. Likewise, dust is also bad for equipment and vehicles at the site, since dust can enter the mechanical moving parts and cause wear and clogging of all mechanical equipment. Where there are leaks there will be dust. Apart from being a risk to mechanical equipment, dust is a serious issue for operators, who might inhale the dust if they are not wearing masks, leading to HSE concerns.
All of the Metso systems and accessories that address spillage, misalignment and sealing (for example sealing systems), also have the added benefit of helping to control dust.
Explore solutions in our Conveyor solutions handbook
Sustainable production
Each application is different and selecting the right belt can be one of the most important decisions to make when selecting a conveying system. Improperly selected belts tend to wear out quickly, causing excessive downtime needed to service or change out the belt which leads to lost production. It can also have environmental impacts as used belts often end up in landfills.
Metso offers a comprehensive range of conveyor belts – engineered from the best-quality materials available, and designed for high performance, cost-effectiveness and safety. Choosing the right belt means less stoppages and higher production while also reducing waste, helping plants hit their sustainability objectives.
Energy Saving Idlers also help to hit quarry sustainability targets.
Aramid conveyor belts
Aramid conveyor belts are reinforced with aramid fibers. The resulting material is as light as other synthetic fibers like polyester or polyamid, but as strong as steel.
Chevron conveyor belts
A flat conveyor belt works fine when conveying material up to a certain angle. However, when the angle gets too steep, material may start to slide off. That’s when you need a chevron conveyor belt. Also known as escort belts, they have a cleated surface that keeps loose material in place, even at steep angles.
Fabric conveyor belts
Fabric conveyor belts or textile conveyor belts are used principally for heavy-duty, abrasive materials. They are a more cost-effective option for shorter conveying distances and lower capacities than steel cord belts.
Pipe conveyor belts
Pipe conveyor belts are used for enclosed material transport. After loading in the conventionally troughed belt, the belt is formed into a pipe shape with overlapped belt edges. The material is then completely enclosed by the belt.
Sidewall conveyor belts
When you need to transport material at steeper angles than is possible with conventional conveyor belts, sidewall belts are the way to go. Their cross-stiff base belt and corrugated rubber sidewalls combine with a variety of different-sized cleats to ensure your material stays in place.
Steel cord belts.
Steel cord belts are highly wear-resistant and used principally for long-haul conveying, heavy loads and physically demanding applications. Steel cord belts are especially suitable for high-mass or high-volume flows and for conveying abrasive materials.
Explore belt and idler solutions in our Conveyor solutions handbook
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