Metso 測定基準改善・新たな測定基準を設置して、リアルタイムデータ、新機能、プラットフォームにアクセスしましょう
現場での委託在庫(Metso 在庫ソリューション)・納期遅延を最小限に抑え、部品供給能力を最大にします
Find your hidden strengths
Aggregate contractors and quarries need to be prepared for changes in the markets, requirements, or end products to stay ahead of the game. Metso's Aggregates Services portfolio is designed for constant improvement of your business, keeping what is good and improving what requires development.
The offering consists of different parts and services solutions to provide Protection, Availability, Performance, and Upgrades for your Metso equipment.
Watch the video for a short overview, and explore more details on the Services stand and in the Quarry World.
Keep your Lokotrack EC range in top shape for the job
The new Lokotrack EC range features a revolutionary modular design, enabling selected key options for the new units to be available as retrofittable aftermarket upgrades.
Thanks to standardized interfaces, future options will be accessible to Lokotrack customers simultaneously.
Watch the video to learn more about the upgrades for the Lokotrack LT350C and LT400J.
Achieve your optimal performance
Your plant might be capable of more than you think! Metso Performance services help you get more out of your machinery, whether it is more capacity, lower cost per ton or better end-product quality. Bruno analysis and Chamber Selection Service help you get the best out of your existing process, while Chamber Expert Service, Upgrades and Chamber Optimization Service are tools for improving asset performance. Mutually agreed targets can be set to ensure that all are working toward the same goal.
Get more out of your existing process:
Bruno analysis – Process flow analysis to ensure contract cost/ton
Chamber selection Service – Correct chamber selection from standard chamber and alloy offering
Improve asset performance:
Chamber Expert Service – Performance simulation to determine the most suitable chamber to get your crusher producing!
Screen optimization – Ensure that screens are working optimally
Upgrade services – Upgrade your equipment to reach the next level
Chamber Optimization Service – Custom made solution with engineering to exceed your targets
資産のライフサイクルは常に改善できるところがあります!Metso のアップグレードサービスは、お客様の設備を常に最新の状態にして、一番有効なアップグレードと改善を行います。
防塵ソリューション · 金属・瓦礫除去ソリューション
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it
Metso Metrics can help producers to reach and exceed targets and works in concert with Metso Services to bring more hours and tons to their operation. Metso Metrics makes our aggregates services offering even stronger and more transparent with a focus on the benefits we can deliver to our customers along with our distribution network.
Manage your Lokotrack® fleet efficiently
Metso’s fleet management solutions help mobile contractors to keep their Lokotrack® plants up and running, or even make a leap to the next level! Digital solutions which provide more insight into your equipment and process, are at the heart of this offering.
Some examples of how you could benefit from these solutions:
Remote IC app for remote process control lets you control the Lokotrack train from the excavator cabin for improved safety and productivity.
Metso Metrics enables you to check your equipment remotely from any web-enabled device, to identify and troubleshoot problems, and achieve longer service intervals
Chamber Expert service helps you choose the optimal chamber for your application so that you can produce more tons, become more energy efficient, and improve yield
Automation upgrades help to gain better control over your process and targets
Inspections and upgrades help to improve uptime and increase capacity
Contact your Metso sales or distributor today to learn more.
Additional coverage for your Lokotrack® with the Cat® Engine Extended Coverage in EPS
Your operation depends on reliable power. You can now choose additional protection for your Lokotrack® equipment on top of Metso’s Equipment Protection Service (EPS) contract. With the Cat® Engine Extended Service Coverage option you will receive cover for your Cat® engine for the period of 5 years or 10,000 h.
Watch the video to learn what is included, what are the benefits, and how to order.
Contact us
My Metso - Marketing materials for distributors
My.metso.com is Metso’s distributor facing portal. It is designed to be a one-stop-shop for most distributor needs, including access to the Parts Store, Equipment Store, Sales Hub and Technical Library.
Login to my.metso.com and visit Marketing within Data Hub for access to supporting Nordtrack™ promotional content and more:
For account access questions, please reach out to distribution.marketing@metso.com.