Metrics for stationary crushers
What you can measure, you can improve! Metso Metrics is a cloud-based telematics solution that gives you detailed information about the performance of your equipment. By collecting and analyzing this data, the uptime of your assets can be increased, leading to higher production output and improved predictive and reactive maintenance. It can also help quarries achieve sustainable operations. Metrics allows the quick identification of under-performing crushers or screens, making it easy to implement remedial actions that reduce costs, downtime, and environmental impact. Stationary or mobile assets benefit from the same advanced Metrics features, including:
Immediate access 24/7 from any internet-enabled device
Real-time performance information and troubleshooting
Updates and improvements
Customizable data collection
CO2 footprint and fuel consumption tracking
Maintenance plan and logbook
Geolocation to manage mobile assets and plan service routes through multiple sites
Metrics for screens
The Metrics for screens solution offers a new platform and sensor solution based on strong partnerships with industry experts. The new offering will provide added value to the current screening solutions offering and enable additional data driven services including an end-to-end condition-based maintenance service for screens. It will lead to increased uptime and availability.
Intelligent crushing
Intelligent crushers helps to maintain load stability by adjusting both the feed rate and crushing parameters. With the ever changing conditions at quarries, this ability to adjust is essential. It also helps to achieve a higher average production capacity. When there is a centralized control tower on a quarry we want to bring process visibility in there, and ensure the ability to adjust process settings from the safety and convenience of the control room. Having the ability to check crusher load and condition, as well as to adjust process parameters, saves people from walking in between the loaders and trucks which brings safety benefits. It also saves time spent on service and maintenance, leaving room for your site team to focus on what matters most – production! Better situational awareness can make a big difference in the ability to run your site processes with the most optimal settings at all times.
Digitalization in action
There are a number of digital solutions that can help take your quarry to the next level! Ensuring you have a smart and automated crushing and screening process at your quarry, helps to simplify your daily operational and maintenance routine. It also helps to reduce the risks for mistakes that could lead to injury or damage to your producing assets. Remote operation and monitoring lets you control your crusher safely from a distance, even while you operate other machinery. It means you can do more in less time – adding productivity to your operation. In other words, automation is there to help operators reduce downtime and improve performance. When you have measured information, you can base your decisions on facts and always find the right settings under changing conditions.
With the help of Metso Metrics remote monitoring and our team of experts, you can measure and analyze every aspect of your operation and get rid of bottlenecks. Knowledge is crushing power and with remote monitoring you are always on top of things. Having the digital maintenance logbook available at all times, allows you to schedule your service breaks perfectly. This will also help ensure that you have all needed parts when you need them most and can significantly minimize downtime.
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